Sunday, April 1, 2012

2012 - 1st Quarter

Our lives aren't really that exciting, so giving an update on what we do each month, would be quite boring! But here are some things that I want to remember that happened in January, February, and March...not necessarily in this order...
  • I was sick for about 5 days and was miserable. I don't know how women do it when they're sick and have children they still have to care for. I was able to stop everything and my precious J took care of me. I was so sick I went to the doctor and got a Z-pac, steroid shot, antibiotic shot, and Mucinex, but even that didn't really make me feel better. It wasn't until about 2 weeks later when I really started to feel like myself. Thank goodness for couponing - I went through at least 4 boxes of tissues, but I had plenty (and still have plenty) in my stockpile. 
  • My Aunt Carolyn died unexpectedly. My dad's siblings aren't super close, so I think the last time I saw her I was still in high school. My dad is quite a bit younger than his siblings - he was starting high school when his brother and 2 sisters were already married and had children. I didn't attend the funeral, but my dad did and was able to have some quality time with his brother and sister and for that I am thankful.
  • I have a mole on my nose. I've had it since I was at least 4. I don't have it in my baby pictures, but it's in my pre-K picture. Anyway, I went to the doctor because I was sick and he didn't like what it looked like (he said it had changed, but I look at it every day and I don't think it's changed). I had a bit of it removed and sent off for testing, it came back normal. Praise the Lord! Now I have to decide do I want to keep it and have testing done ever so often, or do I want to have plastic surgery and have it removed. Hmmm....
  • We hosted a Mardi Gras party for the young adults in our church. J and I did all the cooking and decorating. It was really fun but made us miss New Orleans A LOT! Good thing we're going to visit in June!

  • J and I went finishing with a friend that is in the FF band with us. He stocked his pond with trout and apparently they die in warm water, so they needed to come out before Spring really hits. J caught 3 and I caught 1. However, I made up for catching less by cleaning most of them. We've already eaten some of them and they were delicious! 

  • We celebrated St. Patrick's day with a delicious meal prepared by the Irish man himself! It was delicious. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. Yum!  

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